Looking for a free stock market charting software? You may have found it!
Chart types related to the market (instead of a single stock)
We offer special charts if you want to analyze the broader relationships of a stock. All charts below have been created using the comparison view of Chartoasis Chili (multiple data files had to be loaded):
- comparing stock performance to competitors (on the chart below you can see, that in the given time range, VW and Tesla performed quite well.)

- it is also interesting to see, how a stock performs compared to the related index

- in case of foreign investments, it is also important, to see, how currency rate change influences the overall performance (in dollars, it makes more than 1% difference)

Other features
Of course, we have well known regular charting features, like
- 3 chart types: area, line and candlestick
- technical indicator charts,
- moving averages and Bollinger Bands
- this software can be used for almost any stocks. We have a collection of free market data sources here.
- you can also use data from your own source. The software will either recognize the format automatically, or the importing wizard will help you to import the data.
- you can save your work directly to the browser, to be able to load it back when you want to continue.
Is it really free?
While browsing similar softwares you can find different levels of “free softwares”, eg.: free trial, free if you use the trading platform, free if you register…
To make things clear, this applies to Chartoasis Chili’s basic version:
- it can be used free of charge as long as you want
- there will be features that will be available in premium versions only, but none of the free version’s features will be moved to the premium version
- using it requires no registration
- advertisements may appear
- the entire software is copyrighted to Chartoasis Limited company / Tőzsdeász Kft.
- charts created with Chartoasis Chili’s free version shall be shared under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Try it now for free!
It takes only 1 click, and you can try Chartoasis Chili!
It loads sample data right at the beginning, so you can try any feature right now.